About Stephanie

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So far Stephanie has created 2 blog entries.

Christmas updates


Merry Christmas to all! We wish the very best to all our patients and hope you have a bit of time to look after yourselves and your loved ones during the holiday time. It has not been the easiest of years and we thank you for your [...]

Christmas updates2020-12-11T04:18:49+00:00

Diabetes Checks


HBA1C - why would I need this test? HbA1c is a blood test that is used to help diagnose and monitor people with diabetes. It is also sometimes called a haemoglobin A1c, glycated haemoglobin or glycosylated haemoglobin. The test for HbA1c indicates how well your diabetes has [...]

Diabetes Checks2020-10-21T03:37:22+00:00
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