Christmas updates


Merry Christmas to all! We wish the very best to all our patients and hope you have a bit of time to look after yourselves and your loved ones during the holiday time. It has not been the easiest of years and we thank you for your [...]

Christmas updates2020-12-11T04:18:49+00:00

Diabetes Checks


HBA1C - why would I need this test? HbA1c is a blood test that is used to help diagnose and monitor people with diabetes. It is also sometimes called a haemoglobin A1c, glycated haemoglobin or glycosylated haemoglobin. The test for HbA1c indicates how well your diabetes has [...]

Diabetes Checks2020-10-21T03:37:22+00:00

Pathology hours


Onsite pathology collection services Our onsite pathology collection provider MedLab has temporarily reduced availability as follows: Monday – Friday: 8am to 12 noon: 9am to 12 noon Should you require any urgent collections our Doctor will discuss this with you.

Pathology hours2020-10-28T06:35:15+00:00

Dr Monica Joins MYH


Welcome Dr. Monica! Meet the newest addition to our family. Please welcome Dr Monica, who is the newest addition to our growing family! With spring comes those hay fever symptoms. At MYH we can help you through those pesky allergies. All GP services (cervical screening, skin checks, [...]

Dr Monica Joins MYH2020-10-20T22:41:58+00:00

Covid 19


Please note if you have any symptoms to first call the practice on 8319 8777 for a telephone assessment.  Due to a shortage of protective masks and equipment and to protect vulnerable patients, if you are to attend in person please WEAR A MASK ON ATTENDING the practice, as well as book ahead [...]

Covid 192020-10-21T05:53:23+00:00
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